Sunday, January 11, 2015

LesMilestones: Week 8 Begins Tomorrow

According to all of the literature on pregnancy, reaching Week 8 is a big milestone worth celebrating.


I am looking forward to weeks that are double-digits.  It seems safer and increasingly real to say, "Tommie is 10 (or more) weeks."  Eggbryo is growing a lot these days, which is why Tommie is sending me texts like this.


Should I start a second blog called Pregnant Lady Texts?

Since she is so sick, I don't want her to feel like she has to do tasks around the house.  In turn, I hired a friend of ours who is looking for odd jobs.  I am paying her to come to the house each week to help me clean and do chores.  I think this is something that will continue, as Tommie progresses.  For now, our friend thinks that Tommie is recovering from the flu.  We are still keeping things under wraps.  For fun, in the secrecy of our own home, we have been talking some more about names.  We have an ever-evolving list that I will share if Tommie makes it to Month 7/Week 28.  That's a safe threshold.  

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